X8 Drones
X8 PRO multirotor frame is a professional UAV platform for everyone looking for a light, rigid and powerful drone.
Talon to VTOL. Drone
VTOL stands for vertical take-off and landing and, as the name suggests, refers to aircraft that can take off, hover, and land vertically.
Talon is a fixed wing drone, and our objective is to convert talon to the specifications of VTOL.
GCS Team(ground control statement)
Currently working on web app which will be providing the functionality of mission planner Ardu pilot in a web app.
Battery Management System
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Anti-Drone Systems
The rapid growth in drone technology has also increased the misuse of the technology. So, to safeguard our border and essential places, we are designing an Anti-Drone system that not only acts as defence barrier but also provides a counter mechanism for the security of our own drones within the range.